Thursday, June 23, 2016

Flea Markets and Floral

Good afternoon ladies! I apologize for not posting much here on my blog lately. I had been trying to post around once or twice a day, but hey, I'm on vacation! I have been having a blast with my family and can't wait to see my boyfriend soon! He and I live 5 hour apart and since I'm about to go to grad school in a different state, we are going to be in a long distance relationship for around 4-5 months out of every year until we finish our degrees. He's worth it, though. Tonight we are going to see a rock show put on by a cover band and then we are going to meet some dear friends at a cafe tomorrow! I have found so many neat finds at all of the flea markets and antique shops here in Branson and I am so excited to share what I've found with you all! (Hint: I'm a huge fan of oldTupperware and CorningWare!)

Similar Floral Blouse
Similar Floral Blouse 2

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